Choose the necessary starting and ending stop, the date of arrival, the amount of passengers and press the button ”look for the ticket” .
After pressing the button ”look for the ticket” you’ll see list of needed tours
After pressing the button ”buy” you see the basket where you can edit the order and start its registration.
Next press the button ”buy and pay”, then sign your personal data.
At first the program proposes to register at a website. You can skip this paragraph. But it’s comfortable if you’re going to buy tickets repeatedly – you’ll have no need to sign your personal data each time.
Your tickets come to the mail after paying. They must be printed or shown at your smartphone screen before boarding.
No, they don’t. All our routes are scheduled trips. There is a separate queue for such trips.
A ticket comes to a given e-mail. Also you can get a ticket in the section My account - history of tickets.
Yes, it is. It’s necessary to contact our manager no later than 30 minutes before the departure of a desired trip. It’s free but possible only in the case of availability of free seats.
No, itisn’t. Buses leave the bus station strictly on time.
If you are late for the trip, contact us, we’ll try to help you.
A passenger must come to the place of departure no later than 10 minutes to the given time of departure. (p.3.1.2.”Transagency Favorit” rules of transporting of passengers on regular trips)
It’s better to print. If there is no such possibility, you can show it at your smartphone.
It’s necessary to text to
You can buy it online at (express-pay), at the office ”Transagency Favorit”, at Grodno bus station
The cost of the ticket includes transportation of a passenger and his baggage from the point of departure to the point of arrival, given in the ticket.
Sizes of baggage:
-one unit of carry-on baggage weight up to 3 kg and sized 60x40x20 cm on knees, in the overhead bin or under feet (seat)
- one unit of baggage weight up to 25 kg and sized 90x60x25 cm in the luggage compartment. Two units of baggage are allowed to the passengers of a trip Grodno – Warsaw.